One Voice Conference
Tuesday, December 2nd
9 am - 4:30 pm
Westwood Country Club
Vienna, VA
Cost- FREE (event is sponsored)
9 am - 4:30 pm
Westwood Country Club
Vienna, VA
Cost- FREE (event is sponsored)
9:00 am Meet and Greet
9:15 am Welcome and Introductions
9:30 am Conference Goals/Objectives
10:00 am Glen Caroline- Lobbying "Political"
10:30 am Tag Greason- VA House of Delegates
11:15 am Breakout Session 1
12:15 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Children's National- New therapies and research
1:45 pm Breakout Session 2
3:00 pm Mike Thompson- How to use Social Media to promote and fundraise
3:45 pm Action Items / To Do Moving Forward
4:30 pm Adjourn
9:15 am Welcome and Introductions
9:30 am Conference Goals/Objectives
10:00 am Glen Caroline- Lobbying "Political"
10:30 am Tag Greason- VA House of Delegates
11:15 am Breakout Session 1
12:15 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Children's National- New therapies and research
1:45 pm Breakout Session 2
3:00 pm Mike Thompson- How to use Social Media to promote and fundraise
3:45 pm Action Items / To Do Moving Forward
4:30 pm Adjourn
Topics- Breakout Sessions
- How to recruit and retain volunteers
- Running your organization/foundation like a business to achieve long-term success
- How to go viral with collaborative concepts/ideas
- How to expand your reach and create more tentacles for the cause
- Creating events that others can run for you.
- Fundraising and Event software for your organization/foundation
- Go Gold Locally (government, sports teams, businesses...)
- Coming together to encourage, support and inspire
- Economies of Scale and other reasons to collaborate
- Having One Voice locally/regionally/nationally (politics, advocacy, awareness...)
- Creating a database of regional/local families who are dealing with pediatric cancer (sign-up?)
- Running your organization/foundation like a business to achieve long-term success
- How to go viral with collaborative concepts/ideas
- How to expand your reach and create more tentacles for the cause
- Creating events that others can run for you.
- Fundraising and Event software for your organization/foundation
- Go Gold Locally (government, sports teams, businesses...)
- Coming together to encourage, support and inspire
- Economies of Scale and other reasons to collaborate
- Having One Voice locally/regionally/nationally (politics, advocacy, awareness...)
- Creating a database of regional/local families who are dealing with pediatric cancer (sign-up?)